"Water Picture Gallery""Water Picture Gallery"

The Water Picture Gallery

By Janine Roberts - Click on any painting you want to know more about!>



A larger copy is behind each one.


And if you would like to learn more about Vincent van Gogh, one of my favourites, click here

WebMuseum: Vincent van Gogh,



If you would like to know something of Matisse, a wonderful painter, click here.

WebMuseum: Henri Matisse,

And then there is the inspiration of Impressionism

WebMuseum: Impressionism

And some more about the delightful Monet

WebMuseum: Monet, Claude

Click to return to the Library Entrance.

To Contact Jani Roberts

The Water Picture Gallery

By Janine Roberts - Click on any painting you want to know more about!>


Monet's workman's boat.A larger copy is behind each small painting


And if you would like to learn more about Vincent van Gogh, one of my favourites, click here

WebMuseum: Vincent van Gogh,



If you would like to know something of Matisse, a wonderful painter, click here.

WebMuseum: Henri Matisse,

And then there is the inspiration of Impressionism

WebMuseum: Impressionism

And some more about the delightful Monet

WebMuseum: Monet, Claude

Click to return to the Library Entrance.

To Contact Jani Roberts